Here are the slides from my Embedded Systems Conference 2015 talk on Empathy Driven Development:
Empathy Driven Development slides (pdf)
The slides include a rough transcript of what I said.
I had a great time giving the talk and discussing it with others at ESC. I’ve given this talk a number of times for software engineers, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, and a few mixed groups as well, and I’ve learned that it applies to almost any engineering group.
I’ve had a few requests to give the talk for people’s teams & companies and to explore what it might look like in your particular environment, which I’m happy to do. Please email me at svec at this site if you’d like to arrange a visit to your user group/meetup/team/company.
Edit: I reduced the pdf file size (and image quality) so the pdf is now 2MB instead of the previous 50MB.