I’m excited to be giving a talk about Empathy Driven Development the Boston Embedded Systems Conference!
The talk will be on Wednesday, May 6 at 2pm. Get all the details here: http://www.embeddedconf.com/boston/scheduler/session/why-empathy-driven-development-is-not-just-some-touchy-feely-new-age-fad
You can come to the talk for free if you register for the Demo/Exhibit pass.
You can hear more about Empathy Driven Development in this interview I did with Elecia & Chris White on their Embedded podcast: http://embedded.fm/episodes/2014/11/24/78-happy-cows
This was by far the best talk I heard at ESC this year. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind words! I enjoyed giving the talk, and had a lot of good discussion about it afterwards too.